In 2011, the Lorain Port Authority applied for and received $400,000, and another $200,000 in 2016 in grant funding from the U.S. EPA to be used for the assessment of brownfields throughout Lorain. The Port Authority will use the grant to assess local brownfields and complete the studies necessary in order to complete cleanup of the sites.
What is a Brownfield?
“…real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contamination.” Brownfield sites include residential, commercial and industrial properties, as well as mine scarred lands, and may be contaminated by controlled substances or petroleum products.
What will the grants pay for?
The grants may be used to assess, identify, characterize and plan cleanup activities at potentially contaminated sites. Specifically, the Port Authority plans to complete the following: Inventory of Brownfield sites, Phase I and II Site Investigations, Remedial Action Plans, Community Outreach Meetings
Phase 1 Environmental Assessments
- Former Carnegie Library (329 West 10th Street)
- Small Sign Property (Broadway Avenue)
- Stoveworks Property
- El Centro Property (1888 E. 31st Street)
- Forge Industries Property
- Horizons Activity Building
- Joe Firment Property
- T.N. Molas Building Property
- Norcross Building
- Spitzer Hotel Property
- Otero Office Building Property
- Former National Pharmacy Building Property
- Rosewood Banquet Facility Property
- Erieview Motel
- Shoreway Motel
- Great Lakes Auto & Marine
- Cleveland Trust
- Lake Motel
- Driscol Music Company
- West Park Drive
- Kharisma Building
- Eagles Building
- Herald Building
- Pace Building
- United Way
- Lorain Historical Building
- Lorain County Automotive Systems
Sampling Plans and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments
- Dike Disposal Facility
- Stoveworks Property
- Great Lakes Auto & Marine
- Cleveland Trust Property
- Kharisma Building Property
- Lorain County Automotive Systems
- Pellet Terminal
Completed Projects
The Stoveworks site is a former industrial site located at 1200 Long Ave, at the corner of West 13th St and Long Ave in Central Lorain. The site locations were blighted and had some hazardous contamination conditions including asbestos, arsenic, lead, and groundwater contamination. USEPA dollars were used to complete a phase I and phase II assessment through the Lorain Port Authority’s Brownfield Cleanup Grant. A sampling plan was prepared, submitted and approved, and soil boring and groundwater monitoring wells installation and sampling were completed. The project leveraged $1.25 million assessment dollars and $14,000 cleanup dollars.
Before & After

Lorain Historical Society Carnegie Center
The Lorain Historical Society engages members of the community and our visitors in our shared and diverse history through preservation, education, collaborations, and exciting programming for all ages, so that we learn from the past, develop civic pride, and transform the future. The Carnegie Center was built on August 19, 1903. The building project was funded with a gift of $30,000 from the Andrew Carnegie Building Foundation, along with support from the local community. In addition to The Carnegie Center, The Lorain Historical Society owns another building, The Moore House Museum.

Ariel on Broadway
Ariel on Broadway, otherwise known as the Broadway Building, is located at 301 Broadway Ave in downtown Lorain. The building previously served as the Spitzer Plaza Hotel, which closed in 2005. The Ariel Project is currently being worked on by Ariel Ventures, LLC. When completed, the project will have restored the building back to a hotel that will feature 56 hotel rooms, a conference center and commercial business space with plans for a sports bar, a coffee shop, and chocolate shop. The hotel plans to open in late Summer 2019.
The Lorain Port Authority used USEPA dollars from the Brownfields grant to complete a phase 1 assessment of the site of the old Spitzer Hotel. The project cost is projected to be around $9.1 million, and leverage $1.75 million state redevelopment dollars.

United Way
United way is a non-profit organization under section 501 (c) (3). United Way of Lorain County is a member of over 1,440 affiliates of United Way Worldwide. Their mission is to lead community transformation, creating a better life for all, by connecting community partners through collective impact in health, education, and financial stability.
The United Way of Lorain County office moved to 624 Broadway Avenue in downtown Lorain in 2017. The Lorain Port Authority spent USEPA dollars from the Brownfields Grant to complete a phase I assessment of the property. The project leveraged $620,000 redevelopment dollars for the renovation and purchase of 624 Broadway. The redevelopment created 11 full-time jobs in the city of Lorain, as well as two college interns every summer and four part-time temporary site coordinators for the Lorain County Free Tax Prep Coalition.

Lorain Harbor AWP Project
The Lorain Harbor AWP Project, or Area Wide Planning Project, consists of five publicly owned properties all located along the Black River:
- Pellet Terminal
- Black River Landing
- Boat Launch
- Riverbend Commerce Park
- Former Landfill
These five sites are important to the revitalization of Lorain’s historic urban waterfront and transformation into a mixed-use and sustainable community, featuring nature trails that connect the public to Lake Erie. The project is led by Lorain County with support from the USEPA Land Revitalization Program. The Lorain Port Authority is a key partner in this project.