The Lorain Port Authority has helped to finance a number of projects in the city of Lorain and surrounding areas.
Issued in Bonds
- 2019
- $10 Million
- Capital Lease Financing

Horizon Education Center: Building of a facility for Horizon Education Centers in Cleveland
- 2018
- $7.6 Million
- Tax Exempt Revenue Bonds

Camaco Expansion: Constructing and equipping an expansion of the Camaco LLC manufacturing plant in Lorain
- 2016
- $4.6 Million
- Capital Lease Financing

Ohio Guidestone: Financing and refinancing Port Authority facilities
- 2016
- $7.8 Million
- Economic Development Revenue Bonds
Clover: Financing a Port Authority facility for a 125 unit independent senior living facility
- 2016
- $6 Million
- Capital Lease Financing

Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation: Refunding Cuyahoga County Ohio multi-mode variable rate civic facility revenue bonds
- 2013
- $6.225 Million
- Variable Rate Revenue Bonds
Altenheim Project: Refunding Cuyahoga County Ohio adjustable rate demand health care facilities revenue bonds
- 2012
- $10 Million
- Variable Rate Revenue Bonds
Marshall Plaza Apartments: Financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 90 unit multi-family residential rental facility in Lorain
- 2011
- $3.5 Million
- Revenue Bonds

Horizon Activity Center: Making a loan to assist Horizon in financing the costs of Port Authority facilities
- 2008
- $6 Million
- Economic Development Revenue Bonds
Spitzer Project: Acquiring the execution and delivery of an agreement of lease and a sublease
- 2004
- $3 Million
- Revenue Bonds

Advanced Automotive Systems: Authorizing execution of contracts for the acquisition, construction, equipping, furnishing & improving of project
- 2001
- $1 Million
- Open End Mortgage
Spitzer Project: Authorizing the execution and delivery of an agreement of lease and a sublease
- 1999
- $3.5 Million
- Revenue Bonds
Brush Wellman Inc.: Financing the cost of the acquisition construction, equipping and improvement of a Port Authority facility
- 1996
- $8.5 Million
- Variable Rate Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
Spitzer Project: Financing of costs of the acquisition, construction, equipping, and improvement of an addition to port authority facilities
- 1996
- $1.24 Million
- Revenue Bonds
Spitzer Project: Refunding all of the outstanding $5.1 million Lorain Port Authority, Ohio Port development series 1988 bonds
- 1994
- $4.735 Million
- Adjustable Rate Revenue Bonds
Spitzer Project: Financing of costs of the acquisition, construction, equipping, and improvement of an addition to port facilities
- 1989
- $1.5 Million
- Port Development Revenue Bonds
Republic Steel Corporation: Assisting Republic Steel Corp. in the financing of costs of acquiring and improving real property to be used as a site
- 1981
- $6.55 Million
- Revenue Bonds

Lorain Dock Company: Financing the costs of acquiring, constructing, and equipping improvements and facilities for the receipt
- 1981
- $31 Million
- Revenue Bonds
American Ship Building Co: Paying the costs of adding to the industrial facilities of the project
- 1980
- $4 Million
- Revenue Bonds

American Ship Building Co: Promote the industrial and economic development of Ohio by creating jobs and increasing opportunities
- 1975
- $3.5 Million
- First Mortgage Revenue Bonds
Ashland Oil: Compromising a terminal facility consisting of a terminal for storage and distribution of petroleum
- 1973
- $5 Million
- First Mortgage Revenue Bonds
Port Authority: Authorizing the port to accept real property, and authorizing the lease of certain real property
- 1967
- $7 Million
- First Mortgage Revenue Bonds